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TK Ratios
SeaAngelDate: Wednesday, 2011-12-07, 3:21 PM | Message # 1
3D Modeling
Group: Administrators
Messages: 972
Awards: 1
Reputation: 42
Status: Offline
Each point in Telekinesis makes Energy Shield's damage absorption more effective. By default, for each point of damage absorbed by Energy Shield, 2 mana points are deducted - a 200% ratio. Each hard skill point in Telekinesis makes Energy Shield 6.25% more effective. For example, with 8 points in Telekinesis, 1.5 mana points are deducted for each point of damage absorbed - a 150% ratio. With 16 points in Telekinesis, one point of damage absorbed equals one point of mana loss - a 100% ratio.

On the left side we see how the tk ratio/multiplication is calculated, and on the right side we see what
the Tk does to your onscreen mana, you can /(divide) or x(multiply) your onscreen mana to see what your offscreen mana is.
Tk 1-15 makes your offscreen lower than your onscreen, this is why we use / aka divide.
16 tk ratio is 1/1, and your offscreen mana is the same as the onscreen. And for the 17-31 tk's we x
aka multiply the mana, so with a tk from 17 and up your offscreen is higher than your onscreen, and it
goes higher and higher, but at the x16 ratio it stops, and the x16 ratio starts at tk31, and continues
all the way to 99, tho i don't know why all the Tk's above 31 are all different, even tho they are same
ratio. Note that some of the values had insanely long decimals, so some of them are made shorter, and might
not be 100% accurate in the long run.

0tk= 0,00% - 200% = 0,00% ratio, 2,0000 mana lost per dmg absorbed. onscreen /2 =offscreen mana

1tk= 6,25% - 200% = 193,75% ratio, 1,9375 mana lost per dmg absorbed. onscreen /1,9375 = offscreen mana

2tk= 12,50% - 200% = 187,50% ratio, 1,8750 mana lost per dmg absorbed. onscreen /1,8750 = offscreen mana

3tk= 18,75% - 200% = 181,25% ratio, 1,8125 mana lost per dmg absorbed. onscreen /1,8125 = offscreen mana

4tk= 25,00% - 200% = 175,00% ratio, 1,7500 mana lost per dmg absorbed. onscreen /1,7500 = offscreen mana

5tk= 31,25% - 200% = 168,75% ratio, 1,6875 mana lost per dmg absorbed. onscreen /1,6875 = offscreen mana

6tk= 37,50% - 200% = 162,50% ratio, 1,6250 mana lost per dmg absorbed. onscreen /1,6250 = offscreen mana

7tk= 43,75% - 200% = 156,25% ratio, 1,5625 mana lost per dmg absorbed. onscreen /1,5625 = offscreen mana

8tk= 50,00% - 200% = 150,00% ratio, 1,5000 mana lost per dmg absorbed. onscreen /1,5000 = offscreen mana

9tk= 56,25% - 200% = 143,75% ratio, 1,4375 mana lost per dmg absorbed. onscreen /1,4375 = offscreen mana

10tk= 62,50% - 200% = 137,50% ratio, 1,3750 mana lost per dmg absorbed. onscreen /1,3750 = offscreen mana

11tk= 68,75% - 200% = 131,25% ratio, 1,3125 mana lost per dmg absorbed. onscreen /1,3125 = offscreen mana

12tk= 75,00% - 200% = 125,00% ratio, 1,2500 mana lost per dmg absorbed. onscreen /1,2500 = offscreen mana

13tk= 81,25% - 200% = 118,75% ratio, 1,1875 mana lost per dmg absorbed. onscreen /1,1875 = offscreen mana

14tk= 87,50% - 200% = 112,50% ratio, 1,1250 mana lost per dmg absorbed. onscreen /1,1250 = offscreen mana

15tk= 93,75% - 200% = 106,25% ratio, 1,0625 mana lost per dmg absorbed. onscreen /1,0625 = offscreen mana

16tk= 100,00%- 200% = 100,00% ratio, 1,0000 mana lost per dmg absorbed. onscreen /1 or x1 = offscreen mana

17tk= 106,25%- 200% = 93,75% ratio, 0,9375 mana lost per dmg absorbed. onscreen x1,0666 = offscreen mana

18tk= 112,50%- 200% = 87,50% ratio, 0,8750 mana lost per dmg absorbed. onscreen x1,1428 = offscreen mana

19tk= 118,75%- 200% = 81,25% ratio, 0,8125 mana lost per dmg absorbed. onscreen x1,2307 = offscreen mana

20tk= 125,00%- 200% = 75,00% ratio, 0,7500 mana lost per dmg absorbed. onscreen x1,3333 = offscreen mana

21tk= 131,25%- 200% = 68,75% ratio, 0,6875 mana lost per dmg absorbed. onscreen x1,4545 = offscreen mana

22tk= 137,50%- 200% = 62,50% ratio, 0,6250 mana lost per dmg absorbed. onscreen x1,6000 = offscreen mana

23tk= 143,75%- 200% = 56,25% ratio, 0,5625 mana lost per dmg absorbed. onscreen x1,7777 = offscreen mana

24tk= 150,00%- 200% = 50,00% ratio, 0,5000 mana lost per dmg absorbed. onscreen x2,0000 = offscreen mana

25tk= 156,25%- 200% = 43,75% ratio, 0,4375 mana lost per dmg absorbed. onscreen x2,2857 = offscreen mana

26tk= 162,50%- 200% = 37,50% ratio, 0,3750 mana lost per dmg absorbed. onscreen x2,6666 = offscreen mana

27tk= 168,75%- 200% = 31,25% ratio, 0,3125 mana lost per dmg absorbed. onscreen x3,2000 = offscreen mana

28tk= 175,00%- 200% = 25,00% ratio, 0,2500 mana lost per dmg absorbed. onscreen x4,0000 = offscreen mana

29tk= 181,25%- 200% = 18,75% ratio, 0,1875 mana lost per dmg absorbed. onscreen x5,3333 = offscreen mana

30tk= 187,50%- 200% = 12,50% ratio, 0,1250 mana lost per dmg absorbed. onscreen x8,0000 = offscreen mana

31-99tk= 193,75%- 200% =6,25% ratio, 0,0625 mana lost per dmg absorbed. onscreen x16,000 = offscreen mana

Here i am going to show the ranges for the Telekinesis Levels: 31-99, 30, 29, 28, 27, 26, 25, 24, 23, 22, 21, 20, 19, 18, 17, 16 and 0
The 31-99 tk is x16 ratio, and there are 16 onscreen rolls, and 16 ranges, here they are:

0 - 524288 good range
524288 - 1048576 bad range
1048576 - 1572864 good range
1572864 - 2097152 bad range
2097152 - 2621440 good range
2621440 - 3145728 bad range
3145728 - 3670016 good range
3670016 - 4194304 bad range
4194304 - 4718592 good range
4718592 - 5242880 bad range
5242880 - 5767168 good range
5767168 - 6291456 bad range
6291456 - 6815744 good range
6815744 - 7340032 bad range
7340032 - 7864320 good range
7864320 - 8388608 bad range---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The 30 tk is x8 ratio, and there are 8 onscreen rolls, and 8 ranges, here they are:

0 - 1048576 good range
1048576 - 2097152 bad range
2097152 - 3145728 good range
3145728 - 4194304 bad range
4194304 - 5242880 good range
5242880 - 6291456 bad range
6291456 - 7340032 good range
7340032 - 8388608 bad range


The 29 tk is x5,3333333333333333333333333333333 ratio, and there are 5,3333333333333333333333333333333 or 5 onscreen rolls, and 5,3333333333333333333333333333333 ranges, here they are:

0-1572864 good range
1572864-3145728 bad range
3145728-4718592 good range
4718592-6291456 bad range
6291456-7864320 good range
7864320-8388608(9437184)* bad range. parts of it are over the cap.

*parts of this tk's last range is overcap, meaing that onscreen 8388608 is only a onscreen roll, not offscreen*

The 28 tk is x4 ratio, and there are 4 onscreen rolls, and 4 ranges, here they are:

0 - 2097152 good range
2097152 - 4194304 bad range
4194304 - 6291456 good range
6291456 - 8388608 bad range


The 27 tk is x3,2 ratio, and there are 3,2 or 3 onscreen rolls, and 3,2 ranges, here they are:

0-2621440 good range
2621440-5242880 bad range
5242880-7864320 good range
7864320-8388608(10485760)* bad range. parts of it are over the cap.

*parts of this tk's last range is overcap, meaing that onscreen 8388608 is only a onscreen roll, not offscreen*

The 26 tk is x2,6666666666666666666666666666667 ratio, and there are 2,6666666666666666666666666666667 or 2 onscreen rolls, and 2,6666666666666666666666666666667 ranges, here they are:

0 - 3145728 good range
3145728 - 6291456 bad range
6291456 - 8388608(9437184)* good range. parts of it are over the cap.

*parts of this tk's last range is overcap, meaing that onscreen 8388608 is only a onscreen roll, not offscreen*

The 25 tk is x2,2857142857142857142857142857143 ratio, and there are 2,2857142857142857142857142857143 or 2 onscreen rolls, and 2,2857142857142857142857142857143 ranges, here they are:

0-3670016 good range
3670016-7340032 bad range
7340032-8388608(11010048)* good range. parts of it are over the cap.

*parts of this tk's last range is overcap, meaing that onscreen 8388608 is only a onscreen roll, not offscreen*

The 24 tk is x2 ratio, and there are 2 onscreen rolls, and 2 ranges, here they are:

0 - 4194304 good range
4194304- 8388608 bad range


The 23 tk is x1,7777 ratio, and there are 1,7777 or 1 onscreen roll, and 1,7777 ranges, here they are:

0 - 4718592 good range
4718592 - 8388608(9437184)* bad range. parts of it are over the cap.

*parts of this tk's last range is overcap, meaing that onscreen 8388608 is only a onscreen roll, not offscreen*

The 22 tk is x1,6000 ratio, and there are 1,6000 or 1 onscreen roll, and 1,6000 ranges, here they are:

0 - 5242880 good range
5242880 - 8388608(10485760)* bad range. parts of it are over the cap.

*parts of this tk's last range is overcap, meaing that onscreen 8388608 is only a onscreen roll, not offscreen*

The 21 tk is x1,4545 ratio, and there are 1,4545 or 1 onscreen roll, and 1,4545 ranges, here they are:

0 - 5767168 good range
5767168 - 8388608(11534336)* bad range. parts of it are over the cap.

*parts of this tk's last range is overcap, meaing that onscreen 8388608 is only a onscreen roll, not offscreen*

The 20 tk is x1,3333 ratio, and there are 1,3333 or 1 onscreen roll, and 1,3333 ranges, here they are:

0 - 6291456 good range
6291456 - 8388608(12582912)* bad range. parts of it are over the cap.

*parts of this tk's last range is overcap, meaing that onscreen 8388608 is only a onscreen roll, not offscreen*

The 19 tk is x1,2307 ratio, and there are 1,2307 or 1 onscreen roll, and 1,2307 ranges, here they are:

0 - 6815744 good range
6815744 - 8388608(13631488)* bad range. parts of it are over the cap.

*parts of this tk's last range is overcap, meaing that onscreen 8388608 is only a onscreen roll, not offscreen*

The 18 tk is x1,1428 ratio, and there are 1,1428 or 1 onscreen roll, and 1,1428 ranges, here they are:

0 - 7340032 good range
7340032 - 8388608(14680064)* bad range. parts of it are over the cap.

*parts of this tk's last range is overcap, meaing that onscreen 8388608 is only a onscreen roll, not offscreen*

The 17 tk is x1,0666 ratio, and there are 1,0666 or 1 onscreen roll, and 1,0666 ranges, here they are:

0 - 7864320 good range
7864320 - 8388608(15728640)* bad range. parts of it are over the cap.

*parts of this tk's last range is overcap, meaing that onscreen 8388608 is only a onscreen roll, not offscreen*

The 16 tk is x1 ratio, and there is 1 onscreen roll, and 1 range, here it is:

0 - 8388608 good range.


The 0 tk is a /2 ratio, and is (1) onscreen roll, and 0.5 or 1 range, here it is:

0 - 8388608(16777216) good range. but as you see tk 0 is 2 mana lost / 1 dmg. meaning that 1 mil mana onscreen is 500k mana offscreen.


A funki mana is a mana that with the onscreen * tk multiplication = a offscreen 0, meaning a roll. Example 1048576 / tk30.. 1048576 x 8 = 8388608 aka 0. So the offscreen mana is on a 0 that is kinda a duplication of the real onscreen 0 (the bottom one), but the Energy shields abilty to stay up and intact is based on onscreen mana, so the Energy shield thinks theres another 1.04 mil mana to go, but it is really stuck and locked on a offscreen 0, but only vs damage forms that hit the energy shield and are absorbed by mana. The baal clones attack, Mana Rift, does not hit the energy shield, its a effect that hits the mana directly, resulting that the funki will intake damage to life.

Funki mana's and their tk's:

524288 / tk31, crap and unstable as hell. dont use.

1048576 / tk30, should work.

1572863 / tk29, should work.

2097152 / tk28, should work.

2621440 / tk27, should work.

3145728 / tk26, should work.

3670016 / tk25, should work.

4194304 / tk24, should work.

4718592 / tk23, should work.

5242880 / tk22, should work.

5767168 / tk21, should work.

6291456 / tk20, should work.

6815744 / tk19, should work.

7340032 / tk18, should work.

7864320 / tk17, should work.
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