SeaAngel | Date: Tuesday, 2011-12-06, 4:00 PM | Message # 1 |
3D Modeling
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| verything concerning Auras ( this info is made for shadowdiablo only and should not be copied into other pages !!!!)
After Hours of testing with HRC we came up with the following
Everytime you build a new Char this will be a point where you need to decide what you actually want. Only Auras that are useful for us are :
1. Thorns 2. Barbs 3. Prayer 4. Holy Auras 5. Oak Sage 6. Meditation
Okay now first lets put them into different classes I call them :
A ) Stacking Auras
Barbs, Thorns, Meditation, Oak Sage. These Auras add up all the Lvls and launch ONE Aura with exactly this Lvl ( e.g. Lvl 4700 Thorns … ) all you need is one item with this Aura being the Aura with the highest number to ACTIVATE it. These Auras can not be weakened this has always been a myth.
B ) Separate Auras
Holy Auras and Prayer. What they are doing is unique, they add up to the total Lvl and then EACH Item with these Aura being the Aura with the hihgest number will launch its own ACTIVE SOURCE. ( 40 Charms with Prayer only will launch 40 active sources ). So we need to classify them a second time
I) Active Sources Each item with Prayer ( Holy Auras ) as the Aura with the highest number gives us + 1 Active source. Ith Jewels are classfied as 1 Item and Magic + Set Magic Attributes will not launch 6 Sources no they will just launch ONE. The ith Weap works a little bit different from that , its Level does not add up its just launching 8 Active Sources ( So just use 7 non-ithed Jewels each equiped with Prayer; you don’t even need the magic attribute on the weapon itself ). So the maximum number of active Sources will be :
6*7 ( Jewels ) + 40 ( Charms ) + 9 ( Magic + Set Magic) + 8 ( ith weap) = 99
II) Passive Sources Not hard to get whats left. That is every Aura that is not the highest number on an Item. They will not launch their own sources …they act more or less like Mastery ( just for the total Lvl )
Thorns and Barbs :
Should be Well known all I do is to give the formula :
Thorns return in % = ( Skill lvl –1 )*40% + 250%
Barbs return in % = ( Skill lvl –1 )*10% + 50%
As you can see Thorns is 4 times stronger than Barbs !!!
Oak Sage
This is the Aura with the highest number ( #298 ) it can be used to cancel out every other Aura and make them a passive. Im using it instead of life 53% as Oak Sage uses less File size
Life % = ( Skilllvl –1 ) * 5% + 30%
Many say its not useful to cap your Mana reg just by using Meditation but that’s wrong, it saves large amounts of space and works perfectly fine
Mana regeneration in % = ( Skilllvl –1 ) *25% + 300%
Not many people can calculate their heal now it will be diffrent :
1. Get total Lvl of Prayer 2. Get heal of this Lvl by using the formula 3. Multiply this Heal/ Manadrain with your number of active sources
Prayer heal = ( Skilllvl –28 ) *3 +41
Prayer Mana drain = ( Skilllvl –28) *0,376 + 6
Holy Auras
Now the fun starts I bet this Info is the most interesting part for all of you. So lets start To calculate your dmg just use following steps :
1. Get total Lvl and total amount of Mastery ( including sorc Mastery skills ) 2. Get the actual dmg of this Lvl by using the formula 3. Multiply this dmg with ( total Mastery + 100% ) 4. Multiply with active Sources to get total dmg
Note : My Formulas give PvM dmges, so if you got an Aura dmg of more than 8388608 it will be marked as rolled ( of course for 1 single active source ). To get Pvp dmges just multiply your total dmg by 0,17
For Holyfire : ( Pvm Dmg )
Holy fire dmg = (totallvl – 28) *3,5 + [36,5] + [38,5]
( Note : Pally-Syn = 2376% ; Fire Mastery = 716% )
Holy freeze : ( Pvm Dmg)
Holy freeze dmg = (totallvl –28 ) * 5 + [67] + [68]
( Note : Pally-Syn = 2178% )
Holy shock : ( Pvm Dmg )
Holy shock dmg = 1(min) bis ( totallvl – 28 ) *15 +248( max dmg )
( Note : Pally-Syn = 1585% ; Blitz Mastery 1226% )
Note : Pally synergies are applied before Mastery is !!! The numbers in [ ] are min and max dmges
Some more useful information :
1. Auras all pulse in the same frame, you cannot give them a delay 2. Hoster Auras always hit before 1st joiner then 2nd Joiner … 3. Ith Charms werent shown up ingame but still provide its active sources ( only for prayer and Holy Auras ) 4. In game Trade reset doubles, tripples... our number of active sources
Elaborating on stacking and activating auras ( some people had quesitons)
As said it was a myth that having multiple auras on same item weakens the lower number auras but as in an example it may be easier to understand. Example item with prayer,thorns,holy fire, barbs The barbs have highest skill number so is active as explaind but the lower numbers are hidding and not weakend. They will become full strength when active and possibly add together when active. So the example of item having Prayer,thorns,holy fire, and barbs will have the same thorns return or holy fire damage as an item with just thorns alone or just holy fire on an item if they were activated
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SeaAngel | Date: Thursday, 2011-12-08, 9:37 AM | Message # 2 |
3D Modeling
Group: Administrators
Messages: 972
Awards: 1
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